Swavy UI has more than 100 in-built colors for elegant coding and brand building. This helps the developer to choose conveniently colors that suit the website niche

The Swavy UI colors are set for background-colors, border-colors & text-colors. To use the Swavy UI colors in your HTML file, add the following to the class attribute in your HTML element tag.

bg- prefix for background colors

br- prefix for border colors

st- prefix for text colors.

For one-word colors like aquamarine, use as -aquamarine

For two-words colors like green yellow, use as -green_yellow

For two-words colors like Deep Navy Blue, use as -deep_navyblue

Alice Blue Amber Amber Brown Amber Gold Amber Gray Amber Red Antique White Aquamarine Army Green
Autumn Orange Avocado Green Azure Baby Blue Beige Bisque Black Blanched Almond Blue Blue Purple
Blue Violet Brandy Rose Brick Red Brown Burgundy Burlywood Cadet Blue Canary Yellow Celery Chalk
Charcoal Chartreuse Chestnut Chocolate Coral Cornflower Blue Cornsilk Crimson Cyan Dark Salmon
Dark Seagreen Dark Slategray Dodgerblue Equator Faded Pink Gainsboro Ghost Green Gold Goldenrod
Golden Amber Golden Yellow Gorse Green Grandis Gray Gulf Blue Honey Honeydew Hotpink Hurricane
Indigo Ivory Jagged Ice Kaitoke Khaki Laughing Orange Lavender Lavender Blush Light Green Light Mint
Lime Lochmara Magenta Marigold Maroon Mauve Midnightblue Mint Mushroom Mustard Mute
Mute Light Navy Observatory Ocean Dream Olive Orange Orchid Peach Peach Amber Pink Poppy Red
Prussian Blue Red Rose Ruby Saddle Brown Salmon Seagull Seashell Sea Green Sienna Silver Sky Blue
Snow Stack Tan Taupe Teal Thistle Tomato Turquoise Violet Walnut Wheat Whiskey White
Whitesmoke White Amber Xanadu Violet Yellow

-none suffix for transparent color

-inherit suffix for inherited color from the parent element

-init suffix for initial color of the parent element